Regardless, my heart tells me otherwise, and it will forever burn with tender love for Our Lady, one, who is Full of Grace.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Bishop Ramon's foreward message on a book 'Miracles of the Rose Petals'

“THERE MUST BE A REASON WHY THE HEAVENS SING…” so goes an old song whose provenance has been lost from years of repetition, yet stays on due to its hidden rich meaning. There must be something to the continued and prevailing popularity, nay should we say ‘miracles’ of the Mediatrix… ‘miracles’ of the rose petals that bewilder many -(arch)bishops, priests, nuns and lay faithful, even some former unbelievers from near and far who swore to have partaken of these extraordinary events that trace its origin from the Carmelite Monastery of he Mediatrix of All Grace in Lipa, Batangas.

On July 16, 2004, Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, I was installed as the shepherd of the Archdiocese of Lipa. Although I hail from Batangas City, from Minor Seminary on I belonged to the Archdiocese of Manila. All my years from infancy to becoming bishop I have frequented the Carmelite Monastery to seek solace and guidance from the Holy Mother, Mediatrix of All Grace. Even when I learned of some difficulties endured by main protagonists if the 1948 phenomenon, they did not mean much for me. Their sufferings for me were essential component of their being specially chosen by God and the heavenly Mother. Things turned differently, at least to me in person, when I became the Archbishop if this blessed Archdiocese. The anguish associated with the heavenly intervention got to me too. But I have no regrets. Neither did it intimidate me from continuing what actually the late Archbishop Mariano Gaviola courageously started. More than sixty years after the still disputed event, the Blessed Mother has still to say with joy “the People have finally heeded my plea in Lipa”.

This year the Archdiocese celebrates its Jubilee as a hundred year old local Church. I never hesitate to say, whether the Lipa apparitions were real or a big hoax, the best thing that happened to Lipa this entire century is the mark that Marian attachment has enduringly impressed on this archdiocese, this city and this province. Can it be that precisely this is the moment to make a public avowal that our archdiocese and province is in reality a unique Marian spot? Is it not the right moment to tell the world that Lipa accepts without condition the Blessed Mother of God and all her challenges of prayer, sacrifice and conversion to God!

The centennial Jubilee sees the publication of a simple book entitled: “Miracles of the Rose Petals”. Ordinary faithful put their experience into writing as requested by the Commission on Research and Documentation. The number of testimonies continues to increase. Many have been inspired by these testimonies. The intent of this publication is to reach may more simple faithful who trust only in God and in the Blessed Virgin Mother. They need this spiritual assurance that the heavenly blessings are never wanting. God has never abandoned His people. The Holy Mother’s love never weakens. Lipa is the place where a lot of these graces are experienced. The archdiocese is so eager to share its Jubilee blessings with as many people as possible. The blessings continue to grow. Thanks to God and to the most Holy Mother!

Archbishop of Lipa

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